current projects
A drag queen and a mallard duck walk into a bar…
In the not-too-distant future of our concrete state, a prohibition on green space is in full swing.
With every park, field, and grass verge bought up by the bourgeoisie, one dilapidated public toilet houses nature’s speakeasy.
While you wait
‘While You Wait’ is the story of Bri- who’s trapped in their child-sized home where the climate is heating up, and fast. Luckily three committee members are committed to saving them… it just might take them a while
‘While You Wait’ is an interactive comedy where climate change meets The Thick of It, diving into what happens when we spend too much time talking and not enough time acting on climate issues. -
Spoken Word
Our collection of short spoken word performances are perfect for community and corporate events.
Exploring topics such as fast fashion (Heirloom) and nature’s role in our every day lives (Rooted), these interactive crowd pleasers are available to book now, with or without accompanying exhibitions and interactive stalls.
Pollution is everywhere. It's in our air, our water, the food we eat, and the technology we buy.
The story of our polluted bodies has never been so ready to be told. Slick is a call to action, an open letter to corporations, and a place of defiance. This digital media piece comes with an information pack.
archived projects
Biosphere is our immersive and interactive audio installation piece exploring the connection between nature and healing through a combination of spoken word and meditation.
Put on the headphones, delve into the soil and be surrounded by plants that were grown as part of a social prescribing initiative aimed at using horticulture to help heal survivors of trauma. -
Tenderfoot Theatre present 'Break' - a short reflection on the positive impact of creative expression and mindfulness on the mental well-being of healthcare practitioners.
Developed from the stories and experiences of real healthcare professionals for the ‘Arts and Wellbeing for All’ conference in June 2023 -
stop the world, we're getting off
Tenderfoot’s debut touring production Stop the World, We’re Getting Off was a cautionary tale exploring the impacts of climate denial and fractious human interventions.
Stop the World, We’re Getting Off charged into the difficult questions surrounding population anxiety armed with the hope that still lingers, just within our reach. -
Tenderfoot Theatre’s debut show IMPACT was created as part of our in-house residency at the Chapel, Ormskirk Arts House.
The show was set on an 800-litre bed of natural material, including sand, earth, bark, and water, and followed the story of our planet from conception to narrowly avoided destruction, as told through a bedtime story to our future children.